Key Features: Oak Tree; bright green summer foliage; magnificent autumn foliage; small acorns; large oak;
This American Species, the Pin Oak, also known as the Quercus palustris, is one that commonly can be seen towering over other trees. This long-stemmed tree can commonly be seen over 30m tall when mature with some records during the 19th century showing Pin Oaks reaching up to 63m tall which was found the lower Ohio River region. It was introduced to the Uk in 1800 and went on to earn the Award of Garden Merit in 2002.
The Pin Oak gets its unique name from its short-spur shoots which can be especially noticeable whenever the tree is young. These pins become fully exposed whenever winter comes round and all deciduous leaves fall off. Compared to other Oaks, the palustris has more delicate leaves which is very similar to the coccinea and also have the Oak lobed leaves which are deeply cut. Pin Oak has a very smooth bark which is dark grey and over time will turn to a pale colour, similar to the Red Oak. During the summer months a glossy green foliage can be found which turns to a bright red / brown colour during autumn. Small acorns around 1.2cm in length can be found on the tree which are almost completely round from being so short. Quercus palustris prefers slightly acidic soil that is free draining but is able to withstand a range of different soil conditions including waterlogging.