Key Features:Patchwork flaking bark; Tolerant of air pollution; Beautiful historical tree; Excellent for pollarding; Wind resistant.
As its common name suggests this tree is synonymous with the streets of London. It was planted extensively during the Victorian era and was credited for cleaning the atmosphere of the capital and many other British and Irish cities post the industrial revolution.
The bark of the London Plane - which allowed the tree to breathe in times of smog filled cities - is now considered to be one of its finest ornamental attributes. The wonderful flaking bark reveals colours from green-white, light brown to dark grey. The London Plane provides an uplifting, cathedral-effect canopy but the boldly-lobed glossy leaves are sufficiently transparent to allow light and air movement to surrounding plants. After leaf fall, bauble like fruits on hanging capsules persist throughout winter and into spring.
Platanus x hispanica is a large fast-growing majestic tree and if allowed to fully develop will often grow beyond 20 meters. It is however extremely tolerate of hard pruning (pollarding) and can be shaped accordingly, making it a viable choice for those with smaller gardens. Fully hardy.