Key Features: Magnificent autumn foliage; dark green summer foliage; medium tree; easy to grow;
The Alnus glutinosa known as the Common Alder is a native tree to the UK which was once used widely in England, for the production of clogs.
Alnus glutinosa can be seen with a magnificent display of dark green foliage throughout the Spring and Summer with the leaves being small and leathery. The Alder also displays a range of catkins with female and male catkins being of different colours providing a unique display of colour even throughout the winter months. During autumn the foliage turns a dark red colour which will provide a more autumn like feel to any garden during this time of year. Alnus glutinosa is able to grow in a single stem as well as a multi-stem tree providing different shapes of tree to suit different planting locations. The Common Alder is able to withstand many soil and weather conditions with it growing best in wet soils, even being able to grow well in waterlogged soils. A perfect tree suited to fit both small and large gardens.